Only five minutes study,6 years old's timetable leaves internet split

Only five minutes study 6 years old child timetable leaves internet splits

                  <By: Wake Up>

 From persuading parents for extra playtime to convincing friends to share their food or favourite toy, children truly possess an extraordinary talent for negotiation. Case in point, a six-year-old who created an interesting timetable for himself, which not only included wake-up and breakfast time but also "fighting time", is winning hearts on social media. 

In his schedule, the little boy allotted only 15 minutes for studying, while he dedicated hours for playing, having mangoes with grandparents and all the other fun stuff.  "'Fighting time' All we have to do is protect ourselves and the house from a cushion attack for three hours...'Mango time' He eats mango with my Abba...'Red car" is his favourite toy car and 'cheez time' is basically lays and juice time," the user explained in another tweet.

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