Banging noises heard in search of missing titanic sub!!!

"Banging noises heard in search of missing titanic sub"

                        <By: Wake up>

Rescuers searching for a tourist submersible near the Titanic wreck in the North Atlantic have heard "noises" in the area near where the vessel went missing.

According to the US media, a Canadian aircraft heard “banging” sounds at 30-minute intervals, which US Navy experts are now analysing.

But, while underwater operations have been relocated to explore the source of the sound, oxygen supplies on board the missing sub continue to dwindle.

Five people were on the vessel when contact was lost an hour and 45 minutes into its dive, or more than halfway down towards the wreck, on Sunday.

Search authorities estimate that the sub has fewer than 30 hours of oxygen left - meaning supplies are set to run out by about 10:00 GMT (06:00 EDT) on Thursday.

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